I use radio button grids or step dials to manage "presets or patches" which are, by my definition, a set or collection of plugins, and also the specific presets for each of the plugins in the set. Each "preset or patch" in the step dial or radio button grid - is or has a UNIQUE set of plugins and/or plugin presets for each of plugins; this uniqueness allows state feedback to "light up" or show which radio grid button is active or last clicked - BECAUSE all of the action items for the SELECT action in the button or step dial complete. HOWEVER..... for some reason, e.g. maybe I changed something in a plugin, or deleted a plugin from some bus.... THEN the preset state feedback doesn't work :: because :: all of the action items in the SELECT action can't complete or execute; but there is nothing in Loopy to "help you" figure out which item, in a long list of action items failed to execute or complete. Trial and Error - here is PAINFUL - and time consuming. SOoOOOOOOo - my feature request is a "test" button (next to the existing delete button when you slide the ) that would test all of the action items in a SELECT action - and tell you when one fails. Perhaps the specific action item in the list could be a different color, like red - once the test runs and assuming an action item in the list failed. While Loopy is super powerful..... using it as a multi-fx process (like a replacement for a Line 6 Helix) requires a TON of configurations between plugins and UI components. It HAS TO GET easier to connect stuff - and troubleshoot when something goes wrong. Thanks!!