The possibility to exclude things for undo/redo.
For instance you can edit a specific undo/redo button to ignore (or include only) following:
  • global BPM
  • specific parameter(s) of AUv3 plugin(s)
  • all parameters of a specific AUv3 plugin
  • specific MIDI Channel / CC / Note / MIDI controller hardware IN/OUT
  • let everything untouched from specific clip(s) / colour(s) / AUv3 plugin(s)
Means: everything will be undo/redo when you trigger your undo/redo button but you can edit an ignore list (or include only list) to your needs.)
Why would you want do this may you ask?
Let's say you recorded some loops. You want to undo/redo some of your recorded loops. But the problem (with the current Loopy Pro version) is: when you did between all your overdubs and new loop recordings some parameter changes in your AUv3 plugins everything will be undoed/redoed, both loop recordings and AUv3 plugin parameter changes.
In my setup I want to have
  • a global undo/redo button affecting all loops
  • an undo/redo button per loop
  • undo/redo buttons per AUv3 plugin.