menu *levels* for stepper dials (and please 🙏 for drop-down menu too)
under review
AJ Kerezy
There's a BIG, BIG Difference Between: The Switch or Dial Widget (which exists) vs a Dropdown Menu
The switch (stepper dial) DOES NOT let you scroll "through" to the item you want to execute, and then execute that item ONLY. Each "step" or "item" along the way to the step you actually want, when SELECTED, even though it is NOT the final target; executes or triggers the actions for that item. [Think like this; I can't count to 4 without passing through 2 and 3, and in the current switch or dial widget; it means some action will happen, when I pass thru because 2 and 3 were "SELECTED". But I only selected them to get to 4! They are not my true final target]
The Dropdown: Allowws "scrolling through" the item (steps) in the dropdown list WITHOUT anything executing or happening.
I have another feature request to modify the existing swith (or create a new type): that allows you to "scroll through" or "dial through" to the item you want WITHOUT execution at EACH STEP, and then when you get to the specific step you want: PRESSING the swicth will execute the actions for that step.
omar suleyman
stepper dials and dropdrown menues an 1.1 feature?
omar suleyman: Stepper dials are inbuilt to 1.1, dropdown menus not (yet?).
under review