Time Signature Action
Michael Tyson
In 1.1.17
Jamie van Dyke
I'd like to tag on a request to this...being able to do it with actions is nice. But I'd love to be able to accept time signature requests over midi. I use OnSong which (when I change song) sets the tempo for LP to pick up, and I also have it set to send time signature, but LP does not pick that up.
[edit: I'm going to create a new ticket, it's different enough]
Please allow different 4/4, 4/8, 2/4, etc. individually for *
and individually for the metronome
ultracello: agree! having it per clip would be great and then we could just group clips that have the same time signature. also would be nice to have the ability to see (maybe toggle it) the time signature for each clip, maybe in the centre of the doughnut?
although I guess the tricky bit would be to display that in the "linear editor" / multi-track sequencer? (i.e. what hris973 mentioned)
guess the two could "work together", i.e.
- on individual loop/clip set the time signature
- in the sequencer allow for a time signature track (and tempo would also be nice, like in NanoStudio 2) and when you set a different time signature for a part of a song only clips matching it will fit correctly within the grid
vdk_john: Good point!
Michael Tyson
does it mean in the sequencer, time signature could be changed in the song? I would love to be able to set bar 1 in 4/4... bar 9 in 2/4.... bar 10 in 4/4 ....
Merged in a post:
Change meter (time signature action)
It would be nice to be able to have an action that allows you to set the time signature.
under review
Full access for all UI elements of the clock via actions / widgets. One of my top 5 feature wishes.